12 Things Successful People Never Reveal About Themselves at Work

what you should never talk about at workSuccessful people don’t have some hidden guidebook showing them some true path that’s adapted for them; they are sentient and self-aware.  These people are able to apply common sense in a way that enhances their brand and their respect.  Successful people also have the capacity to view themselves the way others see them and never shy away from asking the hard questions.  In this article by Travis Bradberry,  Co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and President at TalentSmart, we have a basic blueprint on behaviors that successful people do not engage in.

I encourage you to ask yourself truthfully how many times you’ve ruined your brand and reputation by behaving in the following:

  1. Openly complained that you hate your job.
  2. Unashamedly proclaim another’s incompetence.
  3. Discuss how much money you make.
  4. Discuss your personal political and religious views.
  5. Talk about what you do on Facebook.
  6. Share what you do in the bedroom.
  7. Postulate what others do in their bedroom.
  8. Share that you’re after a co-workers job.
  9. Brag about how wild you were in college.
  10. Talk about how wasted you like to get.
  11. Tell offensive jokes.
  12. Share that you’re job hunting.


What Successful People Have In Common

what successful people have in commonThis post is a slight departure from my normal business only style of blogging because I’ve come to realize that there are more ways to be successful than just being educated and properly trained.  In today’s world of chemical pollutants and refined foods scientists are finding links which understandably create a new way of thinking about our bodies and minds.

My personal philosophy is that a well maintained body is the foundation of success.  Many people we call leaders and innovators have found that diet and exercise are the key to success by way of personal discipline and the self realization that a healthy body creates a healthy mind.  With new revelations into digestive health we can see that many conditions are located in the gut and digestive system.  Studies show that there are links to depression and anxiety as bad bacterial waste acts as neurotoxins which affect how we think, feel, and behave.

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How Successful People Work Less and Get More Done

how successful people work less and get more doneA study by John Pencavel, The Productivity of Working Hours, found that productivity per hour declines sharply when the workweek exceeds 50 hours, and productivity drops off so much after 55 hours that there’s no point in working any more. That’s right, people who work as much as 70 hours (or more) per week actually get the same amount done as people who work 55 hours.

Successful people know the importance of shifting gears on the weekend to relaxing and rejuvenating activities; they use their weekends to create a better week ahead. This is easier said than done, so here’s some help.

According to How Successful People Work Less and Get More Done, the following list contains 10 things that successful people do to find balance on the weekend and to come into work at 110% on Monday morning.

  1. They disconnect,.
  2. They minimize chores,
  3. They reflect,
  4. They exercise,
  5. They pursue a passion,
  6. They spend quality time with family,
  7. They schedule micro-adventures,
  8. They wake up at the same time,
  9. They designate mornings as “me time”,
  10. They prepare for the upcoming week.